Monday, June 20, 2011

Let’s Talk About Love

If love was a drug I would be an addict, a crackhead, butt naked in a corner sweaty and scratching just like Pookie in New Jack City saying, “Scotty save me I’m gonna die.” By a round of applause how many people here have experienced love. See what I’m saying a room full of crackheads. What is it about love that makes people so damn crazy, stalking people, hanging up the phone and calling right back, leaving voice messages on the answering machine until its completely full and then showing up unannounced to their house snapping off saying, “damn you wasn’t gonna call me back”.
Then there’s that whole thing about being “in love”, now that some ole europhia overzealous high you get from the newness of the relationship, or what people like to call the honeymoon phase. Loving everything about that person while you ignore all of their major flaws like the fact that they are crazy as hell, or ladies you keep catching your man up in lies but you love him so you keep giving his sorry ass multiple chances because you remember how sweet he was in the beginning of the relationship and you continue to have that hope factor that things will get better. How many times are you going to excuse his trifling ways because he wants to have sex with you and for a brief suspended moment in time you feel good until you can’t reach him on his cell phone all night long because his battery was dead or he was sleep, yeah right. And fellas how many times are you going to cheat on your woman claiming it was just sex, it didn’t mean anything, as you use the classic line “I love my woman but I have needs”, so simple. Ladies don’t clap because you are the same person that keeps taking his sorry self back knowing he’s probably going to mess up again. Then you go crying to your girlfriends about him treating you so bad. Get over his ass and keep it moving, that’s not love that’s called tolerance. Isn’t it amazing how you can be in love with someone and then you find yourself wondering how in the hell did you ever even like this person.
Break the cycle I say… love yourself more, true it’s easier said than done, but love knows when to stay and it knows when to walk away. Some say that love hurts, --No-- love doesn’t hurt people do. Some say that love is blind, --No--infatuation is blind. A big butt or money and status is not love, it’s a poor excuse to get temporary satisfaction that ultimately exposes how shallow one is for seeking tangible things that meet an immediate gratification that only last for a short while and when its gone it’s on to the next.
Yeah we could talk about this love thing all day long until we are blue in the face. But bottom line, love is what you make it and who you make it with, love is what you do and what you say, it’s a feeling and an action. It can make you happy and it can make you sad, it can cause you to have sleepless nights and it can make you feel that you can do anything. It’s an array of emotions that keeps the heart unbalanced and the mind confused yet we all need it in order to survive. So the next time you talk about love, make sure you always remember that life without love in it no life at all. BY- NinodeDios


  1. I think that we go about LOVE the wrong way. We first try to find someone to LOVE and think that will make us happy and whole. I think we First need to be IN LOVE with GOD truly and then allow Him to direct our path to the LOVE HE has for us on this Earth. I think we would keep ourselves from a lot of heartbreak and from breaking lots of hearts. Think about it, how many relationships you were in that really was a waste of your time and energy? And after we LOVE GOD, I agree we have to LOVE ourselves, meaning, whatever baggage we have or self esteem issues and emotional hang ups we have, we need to figure a way to manage, otherwise you will bring it into the relationship and mess it up. I do feel we need love, but there are many types of love and we have to make sure we are giving it to the right people. Everyone doesn't deserve your LOVE and definitely not at the same level. There is friendly love, romantic love, brother and sisterly love, parental love. Peace

  2. I'm getting the holy ghost over here to EVERYTHING you said! You speak the truth ruth! I also wrote a poem called Love Addict that I did at the church's poetry set in the Addiction ministry. It says a lot of what you said. I am a recovering love-a-holic :)

  3. Wow, this post is the truth! People do need to watch how they experience, use, and claim love in their lives. Love can be a great thing but this declaration and gift is used so easily. Think about it, you can say you love a pair of shoes, you can say you love a car, but when we say we say we love a person, what does that really mean? We all know it isn't that simple, do you really KNOW this person, do they deserve it, do you love without expectation or selfish attachment? Do you really LIKE this person as a person and not just in their capacity as a lover? Does your love come with conditions? It makes you question, what exactly IS love, can it even be bound be it what you make it...and how do you share it and experience it in a healthy manner in a healthy relationship? When someone finds the answer, let me know ;)

  4. I totally agree with what all of the previous posters have said. The reason that WE (men and women) behave and accept the behavior that we do is that we do not have a true understanding of what love is and is supposed to feel like. Maybe we didn't see it in our own households growing up or maybe we have been hurt before and have totally given up on it. But only an intimate relationship with God will teach us what real love is. Then from there, we can learn to love ourselves. Once we reach that point, we will truly know how valuable we are and how to show others love. We will not accept any mistreatment from others. And we will not mistreat them either. Only then will we begin to have healthy relationships.


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