Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Don't let other's validate who you are...

Sometimes as men, our success is validated by certain things such as Beauty of a woman, clothes, cars, etc. We are always trying to up the next man. We need to worry about ourselves and not what the next man is doing. This can also apply to women as well.

1 comment:

  1. The only one that should validate us is God. He knows our hearts. People only see us through their small interaction with us and it may be a good or bad view of us. But let's be thankful God doesn't judge us by our past and our flaws and mistakes we make in life. We are on this Earth temporarily so let's stop trying to impress each other and out do each other, and try instead to please God and give Him all the glory. All of our accomplishments are due to Him not us. Let's humble ourselves and stop trying to lift ourselves up. I used to want all the nice things in life and felt that was the standard of success until I realized all those things mean nothing if God isn't pleased with the way I am living. So stop letting people define you.


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