Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't regret it....

If you rush it, you might miss the right turn. I suggest you be patient and evaluate the situation before you make any quick decisions that could cost you in the end.


  1. I agree, it seems that nowadays we want everything quick, we want all the latest gadgets, in order to speed through life, well some things are worth waiting for and taking your time with. A lot of times we rush with things because we want to fill a void, and do it now. Only to find out that some voids people cant fill, and we end up hurting good people by being selfish and trying to satisfy ourselves. I am learning that being by yourself sometimes is the best thing to do and take your time heal and be satisfied in yourself THEN take your time and make sound decisions for your life and future. We only live once, and we don't get the time back that we have wasted on hasty decisions.

  2. It has been said, "Good things come to those who wait, but not to those who wait too late." and "Patience is a virtue!" These are true statements. It is always best to evaluate the Pro's and Con's and end result of your choices. Rash decisions can lead to fast failure. We tend to always look for immediate gratification and ask ourselves was it worth it afterwards??? Believe it or not our smallest choices can have the largest effect! You need to ask yourself, What did you do to get what you wanted? At what cost to someone else? Did you hurt someone in the process? We have to be more aware of the choices we make someone can always be affected whether it be good or bad.


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