Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's a woman's world!

Without you I(we) could not be B.O.R.N. Without you I(we) would not know how to be the man I am. Your lessons have taught me(us) how to stand strong. I(we) honor you. You are my(our)Queen, you are every man's dream. You are a precious star, so much of a lovely woman that you are. When we(men) look into your eyes, we see a woman of honesty, dignity or might I say respectability. Please know we(men) will claim that identity, an identity to be the man we know we shall and will be.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! If more men embrace the essence of a WOMAN, the world would be more at peace. However, a woman must understand her role and play it accordingly. There is a time and place to be aggressive; just like there is a time and place to be submissive.
    Keep on wynning,
    Maisha Wynn


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