Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Building a Positive Foundation!

It is so important to set a positive foundation because if you don't, your relationship will be all over the place.How you start your relationship is how it's going to flow. I can honestly say, I came in wanting a commitment but didn't have a clue at the time I was going about it the wrong way. Holding on to old baggage or harsh feelings for someone of your past can haunt your future. It's best to be honest in the beginning of your new relationship, however, I don't necessarily believe you should speak on certain things of your past. Revisiting things from your past could be damaging to your current relationship.

Solution: After a break-up, to prevent a disastrous start of a new relationship. I suggest you spend time with yourself and heal. Love yourself again before you attempt to love anyone else.


  1. This is great advice. Tried and true. Relationships are difficult enough to maintain on their own, let alone the baggage that we tend bring with us.

    Its a challenge though, because as we get older the more damaged people we meet.

    You're right. Loving ourselves first is the only way to true happiness.

  2. You know in life we can love ourselves but the question is "Do we love ourselves the way we love others"?

  3. If someone should come along before the correct lapse you turn your back? No, because they were obviously "sent" for a reason. Can't judge the appropriate amount of time for "healing", because some never do, while others do it quickly. Not enough time in life to to vent, get over, and move on! If you loved yourself all along, won't take as long for healing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I started being truthful to myself after a 13 year relationship ended in a whole lot of pain that born 4 beautiful kids. I decided even if I found someone I liked that I would take my time instead of diving head first. Sometimes they understood and sometimes they didn't however it was for the betterment of any relationship that I might have gotten involved in. Learning to be friends and enjoying time with each other without a label and letting the label flourish on its own.. They say time waits for no one but this time I will gladly take it in little pieces.

  6. Its better to come correct and prepared. Many people come with baggage and think their correct or someone owes them something. You know I have learn to come correct at all time because soon or latter the realness will comeout some come correct the first time!!


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