Thursday, May 12, 2011

Giving is good but don't be a fool!

How can a Relationship work if one party is all in ( i.e. contributing financially, emotionally, etc). Do you think the one that gives their ALL often feel as if they are being used?


  1. can't. Lasting relationships are built on partnership. Each one contributing their strenghts, thereby compensating for each other's weaknesses. It's hard to get an equal 50/50 split but you have to have 55/45, 60/40 or something that is agreed upon by both participating parties. If this is not the case, one party (be it male OR female) is definitely being used.

  2. I agree with Princessadiat...when one person is doing it all it just can't last.

    I heard a saying once, two halves don't make a whole when it comes to a healthy takes two wholes! That sums it up! One person doing it all is not going to build a sustainable relationship.

  3. I totally agree. A relationship will NEVER last if only one party is contributing. takes two to make a child. As in sports(Basketball, baseball, football, etc) it takes a team to win.Team effort will always prevail, therefore both parties need to put forth the effort to building a dynasty!

  4. When one person does too much and it is not equal giving from both sides. I know there are times where it may be 60% to 40%, but that cannot last over time.. It may start out fine but this is actually a slow drain; mentally and physically. Then one day the blow up will happen especially when the respect is not shown from the person that is getting and not giving and will not give when the other person may falter.

  5. I think that people who have been used in past may stop giving or people who are used to people doing everything for them are not used to giving, because they don't understand that in giving you do receive, even if it isn't from that person, that is a biblical principle. We should all give in love, without motives behind it and when you get tired of giving, maybe it's time to end that relationship or understand that some people are takers, and you have to decide how to interact with them. I do believe that relationships should be about giving by both people in it, but we always have to find out the issue behind a person not giving if that is the case.


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