Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I have Prevailed!!!!!!!!!

My greatest experiences have been B.O.R.N. from my failures...


  1. Unfortunately, some people have been hurt so much they can't recognize a blessing when it's in their grasp because they fear pain is lurking nearby. It take strength and courage to heal one's self because there is discomfort associated with healing, much like a wound. As a wound heals, it goes through a state of irritation and looks unattractive. But in the end, the layers of dead skin shed so a new layer can grow.

  2. I would have to agree that because of our disobedience, there will be disappointments, failures, and hurts, but God always turns those things around and makes us better for having endured and gone through those tough situations. It is true that trials and tribulations make us stronger and also deepens our faith.


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