Sunday, May 15, 2011

Change has come!

Don't look at me as what I was yesterday, look at me as the person I am today. Change is in all of us. Have you changed?


  1. I am a firm believer that people can change, but only if they want to. For me it took having some serious 'life changing experiences' eg. a divorce, a death of a loved one, etc, to take a full self inventory. I had never felt so alone! There was just me so I was forced to deal with MY issues! I reached out to God for guidance which included seeking professional assistance, changing my diet/exercise habits and 'cleaning house' with respect to family and friends. I had to be ready decide what type of person I wanted to be. And I had to be committed to doing the work that was necessary to make the change. I had to look at the ugly things about myself and make a galant effort to be the opposite. It was very difficult and is still a hard, ongoing journey, but is totally worth it. Here's to my quest for happiness!!!

  2. I feel that change is a process, it takes some kind of life changing experience to wake us up to the direction our lives are moving in, and if it is moving in a bad direction, or a direction we are not happy with, it is up to us to make different choices that will lead to better results. We can not allow emotions to cause us to make bad decisions. I know that is harder to do but we have to control ourselves. We have to discipline our physical bodies to do what it should do not what it always wants to do.

  3. For those of us who are purposefully and actively seeking to change, it's easy to forget that we won't be perfect overnight. While we might truly "get" the lesson we were supposed to have learned, we could fail miserably the first time we actually have to apply it! We have to be patient with ourselves and the process, and we also have to surround ourselves with people who will give us the room and space to grow while we navigate through our journey. Especially because change can sometimes be uncomfortable but necessary!


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